Episode #48 - Intuitive Eating 101 with Sam Previte

Welcome to episode #48 of the Recover with Carly Podcast.

This week I sat down with Sam Previte - intuitive eating dietician and founder of Find Food Freedom.

Intuitive eating has become popular in the last couple of years and unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding what intuitive eating is, how to identify a genuine intuitive eating dietician, and how to implement intuitive eating into your day to day life.

Sam shares with us today the intuitive eating framework, how to start your transition into intuitive eating, and how to find pleasure with food again. Sam shares her journey to where she is today and the work that it took to unlearn the fatphobic and racist beliefs that are engrained in diet culture.

To learn more about intuitive eating and the work that Sam does, you can check her out on Instagram and Tiktok as well as listen to there podcast What the Actual Fork. Find Food Freedom is always offering new masterclasses, training, and support groups that I highly recommend, you can check them out here!

You can also stay up to date on all things Recover with Carly Podcast on Instagram and feel free to follow my personal account, @recoverwithcarly for more resources.

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Recover with Carly