Episode #36 - Surfing in a Plus Size Body

Welcome to episode #36 of @thepfwcpodcast

This week I sat down with Elizabeth Sneed, founder of the Curvy Surfer Girl Community. CSG is a movement and community of women committed to creating body diversity & body positivity in women's surfing.

Like many spaces within society, there has been a specific body type associated with those spaces and this is so prevalent within the surfing and water sports community. CSG is empowering individuals to overcome those standards set by society regarding what a surfer looks like. CSG is showing the world that surfers can come in all shapes and sizes while also advocating for inclusivity within the swimsuit, wet suit, and water sports gear.

Elizabeth and I discussed how to navigate this space, tools to help support you through the surf community, and ways too mentally, emotionally, and physically overcome the fears we may have around being vulnerable and trying something new.  

Elizabeth shared with us Access Surf, a nonprofit based in Hawaiʻi that focuses on building an inclusive community that empowers individuals with disabilities through accessible beach and water programs. If you are interested in learning more about Access Surf or want to donate, feel free to head to their website.

You can find Elizabeth on Instagram, Tiktok, and her website. If you aren't following CSG already, I highly recommend doing so. Elizabeth is creating such an empowering and safe space for individuals to overcome limiting beliefs & experience water sports no matter the size of their body.

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Stay up to date on all things @thepfwcpodcast on Instagram and feel free to follow my personal account - @paradisefitnesswithcarly

Recover with Carly